Friday, May 1, 2009

Payton's bday party is tomorrow and it's supposed to rain. Blah.... I hate planning outdoor parties at the park and then it gets rained out. You just never know about the weather. I hope we get lucky, cross your fingers.

On Monday, Payton's actual bday, she had a friend with her most of the day. We took them to the park and to Applebee's for a special bday treat. She had loads of fun all day. I made her cupcakes and all the kids got to icing and decorate them themselves.

Jacob is doing good at baseball. He usually only gets 3 chances to bat per game. All the boys alternate positions on the field, so he gets a chance to play all of them. He is just loving it. He said today he wishing it was 9 innings like a real game. I said I didn't want to sit there for five hours watching them. I would be sleeping.

Lukas is talking so much. Lord have mercy.... he says long sentences now and everything.

I went to a quarter auction fundraiser last night. It was kind of fun. They had so many nice things donated from some very generous people. And the best thing was I won something. No you don't understand, I am not lucky at all. The one and only time they called my number last night, I am glad I had my bid in. I won!!! yeah!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Guess what Monday is........

I know it's been a while since I have blogged. I just haven't been in the sharing mood I guess.

But guess what. .. .. . . . . .

I can't believe my baby is gonna be 5 years old on monday. It is blowing my mind.

She went Wednesday for her kindergarten booster shots and she has been feeling bad for 2 days because of it. Makes me worry, but I just hope it's nothing. She had kindergarten screening last night, that was fun. An hour screening turned into an hour and a half, because she wouldn't cooperate. She acts shy sometimes and wants me for some reason.

Today it is wonderful outside. I took a motorcycle ride this afternoon, came home and couldn't brush my hair. Yeah, I hate that. My allergies have been kicking my butt. I feel like cutting my nose off, if that would help.

Jacob is playing baseball this year. Opening day is tomorrow, his game is at 2pm. I hope my allergies allow me to go and enjoy watching him play.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Me . . . . . . . . .

. . . I used to blog, when I could remember. No, I'm not dead. I have just been busy for the last two months. With school work and kids stuff, I haven't had time or should I say taken the time to blog about any of it. I will try to post some pics soon. My camera USB quit working and I am trying to find a new one. I hope it is the cord anyways. My camera is only about 4 or 5 months old.
I wanted to go see Coraline but didn't get to go, but you can make flowers at

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday-V day!!!

Erick, the kids, Uncle Parker, and I took a trip to Michigan on Valentines day. We drove about 140 miles or 2 and 1/2 hours to Dundee Michigan to Caleba's. It's a sporting goods store and very huge. They have lots of non-live animals in their habitats all over the store, and they have an aquarium with live fish. Here are some pics:

All these habitats were so neat to look at. There were so many people there too. They were shopping, eating at the cafe, and taking pics of the neat things in the store. The kids all got t-shirts. I will take a pic of them and post it later. I also took a pic of a family for there memories too. Erick just thought that it was so nice of me. I explained to him that I am a nice person when I want to be. Hehe!@!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sicky mommy!!

Oh do I hate sicky mommy feelings. I have had this same cold for 5 weeks now. Last friday I was so sick I couldn't hardly move. I finally went to the Urgent Care and the doctor gave me an antibiotic and said I had Sinusitits and bronchitis. I can't wait to stop coughing, feel better and get some much needed sleep. Wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The most wonderful gift an Aunt could receive. . . . . .

. . . . . a beautiful baby niece!!!

Taylan Mattie was born on February 2, 2009 at 7:58am. She weighed 6lbs. 13 oz. and was 21 in. long. Here's the princess. . . . .

Baby Taylan and mommy

wide awake baby girl!!

I love this baby so much. She is a miracle in disguise!!! Love you baby TAYLAN!!
Just one more I couldn't resist to post . . . . . .

This is Taylan and my Lukas' hands!@! CUTE huh!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Today is . . . . .a special day. . . .

Happy Birthday to my first born--baby girl!!!! LILLIAN MAE is 10 today!!!!